@3TomatoesShort omg! I obviously can’t buy your trike (alas) but I’d love to hear more about your experiences with it. Was it useful? Any tips for a prospective e-trike user?
It was not useful for me unfortunately - I got the kind which has a throttle so you don't need to pedal, to suit my disability. However, whenever I try to go up even fairly mild hills, if I don't pedal to help the motor, the motor cuts out to prevent overheating :(
So my advice is to be extra careful about hills - I did do a test ride near the bike shop, but it was all flat there :(
@3TomatoesShort ahhh I see! Wow that is kind of useless isn’t it… that’s exactly when you would need a throttle
In Japan, bikes with throttles require motorcycle licenses to ride, so I’d be getting a “power assist” tricycle, which means it just kicks in to help you out a bit when it gets hard to pedal, so I do expect to be pedalling all the time, just… mildly pedalling That suits my current accessibility needs… hopefully I won’t run into any unexpected twists
Ahh okay, that's good that there shouldn't be any surprises then!